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Life Insurance Quote

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House Insurance Quote

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Protection & Accumulation

Life Insurances
with Living Benefits

We care for you and your family, please ask a question.

PNA Insurance Agency

The agency you trust - since 1988
Life Insurances with Living Benefits - DI - FE - Annuity

The Agency You Trust
SINCE 1988

Your Life, Your Fortune
your loves

Don't get lost in the future.

PNA Life Insurance

Term - UL - GUL - IUL - WL - Guaranteed Issue

Protecting you and your loved ones

Life insurance can help you secure your family's financial future by providing the funds they need to: cover burial expenses, uninsured medical bills, pay off your mortgage and other outstanding debts, and maintain a comfortable standard of living.

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Homeowner's Insurance

- Homeowner's Insurance
- Renters Insurance
- Flood Insurance
- Earthquake Insurance

Homeowners insurance provides financial protection against disasters. A standard policy insures the home itself and the things you keep in it.

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Auto insurance

Auto insurance protects you against financial loss if you have an accident. It is a contract between you and the insurance company.

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Life insurance

Life insurance can help you secure your family's financial future by providing the funds they need & maintain a comfortable standard living.

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Health insurance

Health insurance is a way to pay for health care. It protects you from paying the full costs of medical services when you're injured or sick.

  • Homeowner's insurance
  • Auto insurance
  • Life insurance
  • Health insurance

Health Insurance

Meet our insurance agents.

Health insurance for you, your family, and your company.

Our mission

Protecting you and your loved one.

Based on American Cancer Society, American Diabetes Association, American Heart and Stroke Association statistics, and Association for Safe International Road Travel, we have some data on the right.

PNA Insurance Agency
14.4 million cancer patients in 2014
1.5 million per year in heart and stroke
23.1 million diabetes patients in 2015
1.7 million injury crashes in 2015
Protecting your child's future

Insurances for
your child's future

Tuition Rewards
& College Planning

PNA Insurance Agency
Protection & Accumulation

4748 El Cajon Blvd
San Diego, CA 92115
CA License: #0738009/0E72688

Contact details

E-mail address:

FAX: 1-619-281-6080


Available: M-F 9:00AM - 5:00PM
Sat 10:00PM - 2:00PM (PST)